May 23rd Timeline
All faculty will need to wear academic regalia in order to participate. Rented regalia is no longer available but the Commencement Office has a limited supply to loan.
3:30 p.m. Ballpark doors open to guests and graduates
4:30 p.m. Suggested time for faculty to arrive. Must arrive by 5 pm to process in
5:30 p.m. Graduate Procession begins.
6:00 p.m. Ceremony begins (estimated time)
9:00 p.m. Fireworks (estimated time)
Faculty enters at the Field Club Lounge. Every person entering Oracle Park is subject to search.The Field Club Lounge has a separate, dedicated entrance gate, next to the Luxury Suites entrance on the left side of Willie Mays Plaza (the corner of 3rd and King Streets). Faculty must arrive by 5:00 p.m. in order to participate. Faculty must bring or be dressed in regalia to enter the Field Club Lounge. Food will be served in the Field Club lounge. Concessions will also be open.
Please be prepared to show your SF State identification card when you use the Field Club Lounge entrance. Tickets are required at all other entrances.
Faculty will be led from the Field Club Lounge to the procession area and will process along the third baseline. You will be seated in a special section of the stadium – behind Home Plate.
A complete list of Oracle Park Rules can be found on the Commencement website. If you need more information, email
Faculty Resources
Faculty Resources

Attend Commencement
All faculty are formally invited to attend Commencement as honored guests of the University

Faculty Marshals
All marshals will be listed in the printed program and will be invited to celebrate at a special post-commencement luncheon.

Graduation Celebration
Announce your graduation celebration on the official SF State Commencement website!